Provides an introduction to the unit through the Advance Organizer (AO). The AO gives a unit overview using a Problem, Solution and Improving the Solution format. Lesson 1 also introduces the “Problem” specifically- exposure to heat, cold, wind and rain.
Defines a partial solution to The Problem - the structure or building envelope. The building envelope includes a building’s floor, walls, doors, windows, ceiling and roof. Heat loss and gain through the building envelope via conduction, convection and radiation are also introduced.
Uses lab experiments to investigate how we can improve comfort and productivity in our buildings by reducing or limiting conduction, convection and radiation and controlling infiltration through the building envelope components.
Uses a PowerPoint presentation to provide information on how typical HVAC systems work, and includes discussions of several factors that help determine how efficiently a system does its job. An optional activity benchmarks your school’s energy use vs. other schools.
Introduces renewable and non-renewable energy sources and looks at some of the benefits and drawbacks of each. Ten major energy sources will be studied via a game format using the NEED Project’s Great Energy Debate Game.
Lessons 6-9 use Lighting in the Library as a mini-unit within BPM. The four lessons are separated into 50-minute segments for your convenience, but can be used as a single lesson.
School lighting audit preparation. Introduces the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lighting in the Library* lighting energy audit procedure. The audit purpose, procedures and specific terms are discussed.
The actual school lighting audit. Students gather data and make calculations to determine the current lighting use situation.
School lighting audit data analysis. Students analyze data from the school lighting audit, consider improvement options and write recommendations for more efficient lighting.
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student classroom use
provided that proper credit is given to
the Florida Solar
Energy Center (FSEC).