Contents: National Science Standards Learning Objectives Background Information, Vocabulary and Materials Lesson Procedures Handouts and Worksheets Criterion-Referenced Test |
Time: ![]() 2x, 50-min. periods |
as Inquiry: Content Standard A:
All students should develop:
Science: Content Standard B:
All students should develop an understanding of:
Each student will:
This first lesson sets the conceptual stage for the BPM unit. The Advance Organizer (AO) gives an overview of the unit by using a Problem, Solution and Improving the Solution format. Each lesson in the unit can be related to a section of the Advance Organizer (PowerPoint slides: 744K).
The Problem: we are out in the elements: the cold, wind, rain, sun, etc. and it can get miserable. (AO slide 1)
The Solution: people begin to build shelters for themselves for some level of protection from the elements and for comfort and productivity so that their lives are more productive. We call this shelter a building envelope. It protects you from the elements just as an envelope protects a letter. (AO slides 2)
Improving the Solution: The building envelope is a good start but it isn’t perfect. So people begin to search to improve the building by having a better envelop, adding and improving HVAC, and adding and improving lighting (AO slides 3 and 4).
The learning activity, Stranded!, gives students a chance to state what they know about energy efficient buildings in an inquiry oriented exercise.
Introduce the unit to the students by asking one of the following questions depending on the season you are in: (10-15 minutes)
If your air conditioner broke and it could not be fixed for 3 days, what steps would you take to keep your house cool?
If your heater broke and could not be fixed for 3 days and you didn’t have a fireplace to keep you warm, what steps would you take to keep your house warm?
Let students brainstorm. Write student responses on a flip chart. Accept (almost) whatever they say.
Organize their responses into the following categories (you can provide the categories or probe the students to give them): For example:
Block outside
heat/cold (let sun in through the windows, cover windows)
Turn on a fan/space heater
Block drafts (winter)
Put on extra clothing
Use the Advance
Organizer at this point to introduce the BPM unit to the students
(10 minutes). There are six slides that make up the Advance Organizer
and introduce the good performing building concepts using The Problem,
The Solution and Improving the Solution format. Explain that there is
a whole “industry” that addresses questions about how to keep
houses and people warm in the winter and cool in the summer efficiently.
It is very important because by learning about this subject we can provide
more comfortable and productive homes and other buildings, and keep energy
use costs down at the same time. Reducing energy use is of course also
important since some energy resources are becoming scarce. The more we
use, the less we will have in the future. The purpose of this unit is
to help you learn about energy efficient buildings and energy resources
and so that you and your family can make good energy decisions for yourself,
for the environment, and for the country.
Handout or discuss Activity Feedback: Stranded!
material part of final test. See Testing
Blueprint in Teacher's Guide for details.
Individual pages from this web site may be printed
and duplicated for
student classroom use
provided that proper credit is given to
the Florida Solar
Energy Center (FSEC).