The following is a list of training currently being offered by CareerSource Brevard.
Are you eligible to take these courses for FREE? Contact Valerie Carothers,, to be considered for a Scholarship. All new hires registered and approved before their start dates will be considered for a Full Scholarship, provided by the Clean Energy Jobs Accelerator Grant.
NAFTC’s Train the Trainer1st Responder Safety Training Workshop – Electric & Gaseous VehiclesThis eight hour course designed for trainers of first responders combines classroom training and hands on exercises with actual alternative fuel vehicles, including natural gas, propane, and electric. Upon completion of this training, the participant is certified by NAFTC to provide the 1st Responder Training to other 1st Responder personnel including Fire Departments, Police Departments and Public Works. Participants will learn about:
About the Instructor: Jeffrey Julian, a Trainer and subject matter expert for the NAFTC since 2008, is a retired Battalion Chief with the Yuba City Fire Department. Mr. Julian has over 37 years of progressive experience as a Coordinator/Instructor for Yuba Community College in Marysville, California since 1988, where his responsibilities include supervision, management and instruction of the Firefighter I Academy, and delivery of course curriculum. He has held the position of Interim Public Safety Director, which included managing the Administration of Justice, Fire Technology and Emergency Medical Technician programs. Mr. Julian is certified as a Fire Officer, Fire Instructor, Fire Prevention Officer, & Hazardous Materials Specialist, Commander and Instructor for the State of California. Course Date and Location: Monday, September 29th or Tuesday September 30th City of Orlando’s Fleet & Facilities Division |
EV101 WebinarLearn about the various types of hybrid and electric drive vehicles, how they operate and their different components; battery electric vehicles will be discussed in detail. The history, present and future of electric hybrid vehicles will be presented, and an analysis of benefits and shortcomings will be addressed. This self-paced, two-hour webinar is available on-demand and completion of it is required prior to attending the 1st Responder Safety Training Workshop.
1st Responder Safety Training Workshop: Electric Drive VehiclesWith the ever-increasing popularity of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), they can be found in every city and town in America. Although as safe as conventional vehicles, these high-voltage HEVs pose a new set of concerns for first responders, especially when approaching an accident scene. This full day workshop introduces first responders to HEVs, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), battery electric vehicles (BEVs), fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), and describes their history, explains their characteristics and configurations, and their safety features and extraction procedures. A certificate of completion of the EV101 Webinar is required to attend this workshop. |