Release of EnergyGauge USA Version 3.1.00
EnergyGauge USA Version 3.1.00 has been accredited by RESNET as a energy efficient homes tax credit compliance tool.
The latest release adds new features such as Tax Credit 13‐001, DOE Challenge, new RESNET appliance inputs and calculations, and the option of adding a dehumidifier for annual simulations. Release Notes | Download Full Install |
FSEC's New Continuing Education / Training Center
Located on FSEC's main campus in Cocoa, FL, the new facility holds up to 14 students and houses 7 hands-on training modules. In addition, new courses have been added which can be found on the new course website. FSEC also released its first monthly newsletter in March called FSEC Continuing Education News. This newsletter will keep you abreast of the keys to success in the building science and solar energy industry, as well as upcoming events and training.
Website | Subscribe now! |
Short -Term Test Results: Transitional Housing Energy Efficiency Retrofit in the Hot-Humid Climate
This project evaluates the renovation of the Beacon House, a multi-use facility located in St. Petersburg, FL. An optimal package of retrofit measures was designed to deliver 30-40% annual energy cost savings for this building with annual utility bills exceeding $16,000 and high base load consumption. Researchers projected energy cost savings for potential retrofit measures based on pre-retrofit findings and disaggregated, weather normalized utility bills as a basis for simulation true-up. A cost-benefit analysis was conducted.
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Measured Cooling Performance and Potential for Buried Duct Condensation in a 1991 Central Florida Retrofit Home
This research report analyzed measured energy savings from a moderate retrofit by comparing post-retrofit performance with measured pre-retrofit monitored data. The test home, occupied by an FSEC researcher and five family members, was fully instrumented to yield detailed energy, temperature, and humidity measurements.
Publication |
Energy Retrofit Field Study and Best Practices in a Hot-Humid Climate
This study was conducted in central Florida, part of the Census Bureau’s Southern region, and examines efficiency retrofit opportunities, typical renovation practices, and pathways for achieving U.S. Department of Energy goals for existing homes. BA-PIRC researchers led the research and partnered with local government and nonprofit affordable housing entities conducting comprehensive renovations in foreclosed homes. Renovation activities were conducted in 70 foreclosed homes built from the 1950s through the 2000s.
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Approaches to 30% Energy Savings at the Community Scale in the Hot-Humid Climate
BA-PIRC researchers have worked with several community-scale builders within the hot-humid climate zone to improve performance of production-scale housing. Tommy Williams Homes, LifeStyle Homes, and Habitat for Humanity have all been continuous partners of the Building America (BA) program. The activities of these partners, described in this report, achieved 30% whole-house source energy savings using packages adopted at the community scale. Publication |
Efficient Multifamily Homes in a Hot-Humid Climate by Atlantic Housing Partners
With assistance from FSEC and BA-PIRC, Atlantic Housing Partners has implemented a high performance, systems-engineered package of measures in the new construction multifamily housing sector in the hot-humid climate zone . This report demonstrates how the initiative achieves Building America goals of 30-50% energy savings. In addition, the report discusses the role of utility allowance calculations, used as part of the low-income housing tax credit process, to value those energy savings.
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Online Florida Weatherization Inspector Introduction
This series of presentations is designed to introduce you to the US Dept of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program.
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Introduction to Infrared Camera
This is a one-day introduction to the infrared camera and its basic usage. Offered June 17, and August 12, 2013.
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Advanced Blower Door & Pressure Diagnostics
Blower door taken to the next level. Methods for predicting potential for air leakage reduction in floors, walls and ceilings adjacent to buffer zones. Offered May 31, and June 18, 2013.
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Dense-Pack Sidewall Insulation
This is a half-day presentation is to inform about target density and filling techniques using dense-pack insulation. Offered June 19, and August 14, 2013.
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Air Sealing
A one-day class and lab covering the basic principles of air leakage with an introduction to tools and materials used in attic preparation. Offered June 20, and August 15, 2013.
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HVAC QI Technician Checklist for EnergyStar Version 3
Understand the requirements of the HVAC QI Technician Checklist for EnergyStar V3 and how to complete in the most efficient way. Offered July 10, 2013.
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ACCA Manual J and EnergyStar
This 1.5 day course will provide guidance on the Manual J and the EnergyStar compliance. Offered July 11-12, 2013.
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ACCA Manual J, D, and S Introduction
This morning session will provide an overview of the concepts behind the industry standard ACCA Manual J, D, and S in the design, installation and cut fabrication for HVAC systems. Offered July 11, 2013.
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ACCA Manual J Basics
This afternoon session will expose attendees to more in-depth usage and applications of Manual J. Offered July 11, 2013. Register |
Combustion Safety
RESNET HERS Raters must comply with the new RESNET Combustion Appliance Safety Testing protocols outlined in Chapter 8 of RESNET Standards. Combustion Safety Testing is a requirement for homes with gas appliances participating in the EnergyStar program. Offered August 6-8, 2013.
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Diagnosing Moisture Problems
Learn about the contributing factors and approaches to avoiding moisture problems. Offered August 19, 2013.
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