Progress Report: April/May 1998
PVRES Home Complete - PV Array Up - PV Power Generation Begins -
Initial Monitoring Data Is In...
Through hard work and an enthusiastic team effort, very significant accomplishments
have been achieved with the project over the last two months. We are now
getting comparative data from the homes. Initial results look very promising
-- perhaps even better than expected:
- Construction of both the PVRES and Control homes have been completed
- Data acquisition systems have been installed and made operational in
both homes
- 4 kW PV array has been installed on the PVRES home
- Thermal performance testing of the homes has been performed in an unoccupied
- Performance testing of the air conditioning system has been accomplished
- Infrared thermography and duct and house air tightness tests completed
- The PV array has been wired and tied into the grid with its AC inverter
- PV system power production has begun
- Data is being acquired and analyzed from the project
In the next two months, we intend to continue the comparative monitoring
between the two homes, initially in an unoccupied state and later occupied.