Scott Sklar
The Stella Group, Ltd
Scott Sklar runs his strategic marketing and policy firm, The Stella
Group, Ltd, which he founded in 1995 and came on full time to lead
in 1999. The firm facilitates clean distributed energy including advanced
batteries and controls, energy efficiency, heat engines, minigeneration,
microhydropower, modular biomass, photovoltaics, small wind and solar
thermal -- specializing on blending technologies and financing for
projects, assisting companies to scale-up market penetration, and
facilitating federal and state polices to expand markets. Primary customers
are industrial and commercial, mixed use developers, and governments.
Previously, Sklar served as Executive Director for 15 years of two national
trade association concurrently, the Solar Energy Industries Association and
the National BioEnergy Industries Association. He also co founded and ran
for three years the US export consortium of all the renewable energy trade
associations, the US Export Council for Renewable Energy, and co founded
its sister energy efficiency entity where he served on its Board of the US
Export Council for Energy Efficiency.
Prior of running trade associations, Sklar was Political Director of The
Solar Lobby for two years, -- a renewable energy advocacy group founded
by the big nine US environmental organizations. And for three years previous
to joining the advocacy organization, served as Washington Director for two
years and Acting RD&D Director for one year of the National Center for
Appropriate Technology (NCAT), a federally-funded applied technology institution
promoting renewables and energy efficiency for local communities both in
the US and globally.
Sklar started his energy career serving as a military and energy aide to
Senator Jacob K Javits (NY) on his Washington personal and Committee staff
for nine years, and co founded the Congressional Solar caucus in the mid-1970’s
where most of the renewable energy legislation first was passed by the US
Congress as a result of the first and second oil embargos..
He serves on the Boards of Directors of two national non-profits: Business
Council for Sustainable Energy (climate change), Renewable Energy Policy
Project (energy analysis), and Co Chairs the Policy Committee of the Sustainable
Buildings Industry Council (building trades). He also serves as Steering
Committee Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Coalition, composed of the 20+
national energy efficiency and renewable energy industry organization, advocacy
groups, think tanks, and environmental groups.
Sklar has coauthored two books, “The Forbidden Fuel: A History of Power
Alcohol, published in 1985 which is updated and will be re-released in late
2007, and a “Consumer Guide to Solar Energy” first published
in 1998 and is in its third publishing.
He lives in a solar home in Arlington, Virginia incorporating passive solar
features, solar water heating, photovoltaics, and high-value energy efficient
lighting and appliances, and installing a ground-coupled heat pump. His VA
office has PV roofing shingles, solar daylighting tube, hydrogen fuel cell,
small wind turbine and a ductless heat pump. His DC office has a unique PV
system featuring modules from 12 global PV manufacturers. His 15 year old
daughter, Stella, is a registered lobbyist and assists in promoting a clean
energy agenda.