This site provides information on the 2007 Front Porch Sunshine Request for Quotations and Contractor and System Qualifications (RFQ) process.
This 2007 Request for Quotations is requesting bids from contractors for the communities listed in the Front Porch Sunshine Communities Matrix below.
There are three major sections to this site. Section 1 includes the main Request for Quotations and Contractor and System Qualifications document. Section 2 provides a listing of documentation that will have to be submitted by the bidder. Section 3 will provide up to date information on any questions that may have been posed and answered during the RFQ open period.
Please note that the deadline date for the bids has been changed from March 23 to March 28, 2007.
All bids must be received by mail or courier by 3:00 PM EST, March 28, 2007.
Note that the RFQ document and other documentation are presented in PDF format.
1. Request for Quotations and Contractor and System Qualifications (RFQ)
2. The following documentation must be included in the submitted bids.
- Notification of Intent to Bid This form should be returned as soon as it is determined that a company has an interest in participating in this program. This will assure receipt of RFQ amendments and responses to requests for clarification or questions regarding this program. Note that Section 3 below will provide a listing of questions and answers asked by potential bidders on this program. Information in Item 2 is for information purposes only. All interested parties must submit a signed Notification of Intent to Bid document.
- Cover Sheet and Checklist This form must be completed and attached to the front of the submitted quotation documentation. Bidders must carefully review this checklist to ensure that all required documentation is being sent as part of the bid packet. Note that although there are a few forms that need to be completed and submitted, this checklist also lists various other documents that will have to be submitted as part of the bid entry. These include licenses, insurance, warranties, etc. Review the checklist carefully.
- Installed System Cost/Front Porch Community Selection Form Bidders will use this form to provide system cost details and also to state which Front Porch Communities the bidder chooses to work in. (See the Front Porch Communities Matrix above.)
3. Questions and Responses
This section provides current information on questions that have been asked by interested bidders.