Outstanding Home Builders Wanted
FSEC is looking for Florida home builders for two new
programs. One is the LEED for Homes pilot program -
a national program for designating green homes. The
second program is looking for a builder to provide
side-by-side zero energy and standard homes for a new
research study.
for Homes Program | Zero
Energy Homes Program |

Cooling Performance Assessment of Building America
Energy performance in many Building America homes has been documented with measured
data collected over several years to verify savings projections. An evaluation
of measured cooling performance is presented with data from nine homes in three
climate regions.
Publication |
Energy Performance Aspects of a Florida Green Roof
This monitored
study evaluates summer and winter energy performance
aspects of a green roof on a central Florida university
building addition that was completed in 2005.
Publication |
Measured Crawlspace Conditions in a HUD-Code Home
FSEC conducted research utilizing
two unconditioned, old, singlewide side-by-side manufactured
homes, one with a ground cover and one with exposed dirt
under it.
Publication |
School Conditions Will Continue to Earn Failing Grades
This study addresses indoor air quality and general condition
problems in schools throughout the United States. Tools
used include a nationwide
web-based survey, characterization of actual operating
conditions, diagnostic
tests, and retrofits in problem schools.
Publication |
The Energy Policy Pyramid©: A Hierarchal Tool For Decision
Decision makers often jump first
to fuel substitution to either
lower emissions or counter fuel
price escalation. When it comes
to both return on short-term
economic investment and long-term
sustainability for the economy
and environment, there is a clear
Publication |
Home Energy Magazine Online
Neil Moyer and Paul H. Raymer published Home Energy Magazine
July/August 2006 Article: HVAC System Pressure Relief.
Article |
Energy Analysis for Obtaining Tax Credits and Energy-Efficient
The 2005 Energy Bill passed by Congress includes new tax credits. Learn who is
eligible to receive credits and how to determine the level of credit available.
This course will demonstrate EnergyGauge® software tools
that can help students calculate many tax credits.
Course Description
and Dates |
Residential HVAC as if Comfort and Energy Mattered
This course will address common HVAC problems that waste energy and
reduce comfort, and how attempts to fix these problems often make things worse.
“use-it-today” information and demonstrations will help students
learn how to do it right.
Course Description and Dates |