The Buildings Research division possesses a wide range of analytical services capabilities that have been built and refined over the last quarter century. Capabilities range from development of sophisticated numerical models for heat, mass and contaminant transport, validation and benchmark, analysis of complex phenomena in buildings and energy systems. Additional capabilities include software, application and web services development on an individual and enterprise-wide basis. Particular specialization include analytical services in building and air quality issues
Model Development Capabilities
Models serve a useful purpose in an overall research and development. Modeling used in conjunction with experiments is a cost effective means of achieving results. It facilitates:
- Understanding influences of several simultaneous effects - provides interrelationships
- Prediction for initial design or redesign
- Optimization
- Prioritization of parameters that are to be examined experimentally
- Examination of what-if scenarios to determine relative influences of parametric variations
- Simplified techniques or smart programs from detailed analysis
The mainstay of FSEC’s model development capabilities rests with the computational tool, FSEC 3.0, that incorporates and/or integrates models – such as simplified, network and detailed models -- of varying degrees of complexity in a single computational platform. FSEC 3.0 is designed to allow the user to easily incorporate additional user-specific models. FSEC 3.0 was developed by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) and is a general building simulation program, which provides detailed simulation of a whole building system, including energy, moisture, multi-zone airflows, air distribution systems and cooling and heating equipment simultaneously. Its current capabilities are listed as follows:
- Heat, moisture and contaminant balance
- Heat and moisture transfer in the building envelope
- Airflow analysis using CFD
- Multi-zone airflow, including air distribution system
- Zone and air distribution system pressures
- HVAC system models
- Air distribution system heat and moisture exchange
- Radon transport in soil and slab
- Flow in porous media
Model Enhancement Capabilities
Expertise in user-specific development and enhancement of third party models such as DOE 2.1E and EnergyPlus
Analysis Capabilities
- Prediction of Heat, Moisture and Contaminant Flows in Buildings
- Radiant Barrier System Analysis
- Air Distribution System Analysis
- Modeling Efficacy of Radon Mitigation Strategies
- Analysis of Innovative building and systems concepts
- System Integration & Mechanical Systems Analyses
- Whole-building or Detailed Component Analysis
- Thermal and Moisture storage systems
- HVAC System control and optimization
Statistical and Experimental Data Analysis
- Linear and non-linear statistical and regression analysis
- Analysis of collected or monitored experimental data
- Benchmark analysis from experimental data
- Experimental data collection planning, mapping, archiving and reporting
Development of Codes and Standards
- Developing multipliers for simplified code calculations through detailed analysis
- Evaluating impacts of energy codes
- Implementing of national codes and standards at regional level
Software development capabilities
- Application development. Full cycle application development using latest development platforms such as DELPHI, VB, VC++, .NET platforms
- Database design and implementation. Platforms include Oracle, SQL Server, Paradox and MS Access
- Web applications
- Web services: Development of web services such as Energy Calculators