Energy Smart Schools: Founded by the U. S. Department of Energy with several goals in mind:
K-12 Education Section: Renewable energy and energy efficiency teaching and learning resources for school teachers. This link will send you to the Education section of this Web site.
Energy Ed Online: Sponsored
by the Wisconsin Energy Center with the purpose of educating about energy
use in schools.
EPA indoor air
quality: Concerned with educating about indoor air quality in
Green Schools: This
program aids educational facilities in using energy efficiently through
building retrofits, changes in operational and maintenance routines,
and changes in the behavior of building users.
Bright Schools Program: California Energy Commission program that helps to identify cost-effective energy efficient systems and provides design and implementation assistance to California schools.
Designing Failure-Proof Buildings: Provides information on designing the failure proof building. Also, gives help on different techniques of solving problems.
Florida Department of Education: Helps Students, Parents, and Educators with FCAT problems and other interesting factual information.
Florida School Boards: School Board Addresses and links to their homepages.
Florida Educational Facilities Planners Association: Information on FEFPA involved in construction of educational facilities in Florida schools.