How can we help?
Whether your company needs testing, software development, analysis, training or design assistance, FSEC may be able to help you. Our staff is dedicated to finding the answers to energy use questions and bringing about change in the energy industry through education and publications. For more than 30 years we have conducted research for large and small private firms, non-profits, utilities, and many state and federal agencies. We have the ability to successfully manage projects at the multi-million dollar level, and our rates are very competitive with other research organizations.
The procedure is simple. Tell us about your needs and the goal of a project and we will respond with a proposal that sets forth a specific scope of work and information on the FSEC staff members who will head the effort. Due to our staff’s high level of training and experience, we often have the right match of personnel to start the project quickly. UCF’s Division of Sponsored Research assists us with billing and other contractual details.
Quality Research
When you're considering selecting someone to conduct research, it is important to know not only what they do but also how well they can do it. Please take a few minutes to review How we conduct research and training through some highlighted stories, and check out our general areas of capabilities, and facilities.
Awards, Recognition, and Patents
Over the years, many members of our staff have received national and international awards and patents for exceptional discoveries, innovation, and technology transfer and have assisted many companies. Among the awards we have received are:
- 1997 Building Innovation in Home Ownership Award from the National
Partners in Homeownership
- 1995 ASHRAE Technology Award for work at the Salvador Dali Museum - "Fan Cycling Strategies and Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers Provide Energy Efficient Dehumidification".
- April 1994, Tomorrow's Energy Today, U.S. DOE National Energy Award --
Building Technology for "Heat Pipe Assisted Air Conditioner" Project at the
Salvador Dali Museum.
- U.S. Department of Energy Tomorrow’s Energy Today National Award: Utility and Technology (with Florida Power and Light) for Duct Leakage Testing Program.
- National Award for Innovation in Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, 1984.
- US Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star Home Governmental Ally of the Year.
- Governor’s Energy Award for Heat Pipe Technology research and demonstration.
- 1988 Governor’s Energy Award for the Energy-Efficient Florida Home Building education program.
Among FSEC’s 44 patents presently licensed to industry are the
- The Gossamer Wind ceiling fan, developed by FSEC and licensed to King of Fans. This fan has sold more than one million units at The Home Depot and is saving consumers more than $20 million in energy costs annually. The Gossamer fan is the University of Central Florida's most successful patent.
- The CDQ Cooling System developed by FSEC and licensed to Trane Company. The system recently won two prestigious awards: the 2006 Excellence in Industrial Technologies Award in their category of Technology Innovation from Frost & Sullivan, and a 2006 R&D 100 Award in recognition of the year's 100 most significant technological innovations from R&D Magazine.
- A highly efficient photocatalytic pollution detoxification system invented and patented by FSEC. Based on this invention, a full-scale detoxification unit was successfully designed, constructed, installed and tested for the treatment of airborne volatile organics at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Maryland.
- FSEC has invented and patented a process for CO2-free production of hydrogen from hydrocarbons and renewable resources such as landfill gas and municipal solid waste.
- FSEC has patented a novel technique for portable hydrogen generation for fuel cell applications and licensed the technology to Protonex Technology Corporation, Inc. of Boston, MA.
- FSEC has invented and patented a novel closed cycle photocatalytic process for conversion of hydrogen sulfide (considered a pollutant) to useful chemicals and fuels (i.e. sulfur and hydrogen).
- FSEC has invented a patented a process for electrolysis of water that uses a special sulfonated solid polymer electrolyte material.
There are also a number of examples of FSEC’s work with venture capital start-up companies, including:
- OPTM (Off Peak Thermal Management), by OPTM – manufacturers of unique concrete wall block for construction that consist of massive walls with insulation on the outside.
- NOMAD, by NOMAD, Inc. – manufacturers of a thermal Rankine cycle water pump with solar panels as the heat source.
- WPS by Advanced Water Engineering Company – manufacturers of a water purification system for pre-treating water before a hot water tank to enhance heat transfer and save energy.
- Ideal-TWH by Ideal Tankless Water Heater Corp. – designers of a tankless water heater with enhanced heat exchange for energy savings.
- Motordyne and Energy Buster by Condyne Technology, Inc.-- designers and manufacturers of an electric power-conditioning device for soft start and energy savings of induction motors.
- Cond-ex by Refrigeration Technology, Inc. -- designers and manufacturers of a refrigeration condensing sub-cooler as an add-on to air conditioning systems to improve performance and save energy.
- Actec by Advanced Cooling Technology, Inc. -- designers and manufacturers of a water sprayed sub-cooler as an add-on to air conditioning systems to improve performance and save energy.
- Power Mizer by Miracle Products, Inc. – designers of a power-conditioning device for incandescent bulbs to save energy.
- LPA by HY-Save -- designers and manufacturers of a liquid refrigerant pump to improve expansion valve operation and save energy on air conditioning systems.
- Adsil, by Adsil, Inc. -- developers and producers of a silica based spray-on coating to inhibit corrosion.
Where We Work
The Florida Solar Energy Center is based in Cocoa, Florida, 50 miles east of Orlando and adjacent to the Kennedy Space Center (map). Our state-of-the-art facility includes a 70,000-square-foot complex with extensive laboratories. Take a closer look at our facilities.
We also conduct field research and training just about anywhere. FSEC staff have conducted training programs throughout the Caribbean, provided assistance to projects as far away as Asia, and have monitored systems all across the country.
Contact Us
Rob Vieira
Director, Buildings Research
(321) 638-1404
Click here to contact
Bob Reedy
Director, Solar Energy Research
(321) 638-1470
Click here to contact
Ali T-Raissi
Director, Hydrogen Research
(321) 638-1446
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